Friday, January 14, 2011

Combining Coupons and Promotions to Save Money

Many people ask me how I save so much money with coupons. If you go to the store with a coupon for a product, you will save the value of the coupon. This is a good start but there are more ways to maximize your savings. The key is to use a coupon when the item is on sale to get the best deal. You buy as many of the product you will need to get you to the next sale. This way you will never pay full price. I take this even a step further. I am always on the look out for rebates to combine with my coupons and sales. Here is an example of how I combined a promotion, sale, coupon and rebate to maximize my savings.

During the holidays, I received a $10 off your next purchase of $10 or more at Best Buy. So my hubbie and I went to the store to look for a gift to purchase for Christmas. At Best Buy, we purchased two Blu-Ray movies for my mom and her fiance. Here is a breakdown of the Blu-Ray pricing.

1. Buy 2 Blu-Rays (regularly priced at $29.99 and $24.99) - current total is $54.98
2. Minus $10 off sale on one movie and $2 off the other - current total $42.98
3. Best Buy was running a promotion if you bought select movies where you would receive a $5 gift card at check out - current total $37.98
4. Minus $10 for reward certificate - final total $27.98 for 2 Blu Ray movies

So using sales and promotions, I saved $27! But it gets better...there was a rebate for one of the movies. If you purchase 2 Classico Pasta Sauces and Eat Pray Love, you would receive a $4 rebate. :) I was at Target last week so I checked the price of the pasta sauce. While shopping I noticed a coupon on the Classico Sauce, purchase 2 Classico Alfredo Sauces and receive a free Classico Red Sauce. Here is a breakdown of the transaction.

1. Buy 3 Classico Sauces (on sale for $1.84, $1.79 and $1.79) - current total $5.42
2. Minus $1.84 using the Buy 2 Classico Alfredo Sauce and get Classico Red Sauce FREE - current total $3.58
3. Minus $1/2 Classico Alfredo Sauce from the Sunday Paper - Final Total $2.58

By combining sales, promotions, coupons and rebates, I received $60.40 of merchandise for $26.56! That is a savings of 56%!!!! All I did was pay attention and I cut the expense in half! Totally worth it to me. :)

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