Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stacking Coupons at Target

My daughter has a birthday party to attend this weekend so I made a trip to Target on my lunch break to grab a gift. While I was there I planned on getting some cereal and juice. Unfortunately, they were all out of the juice that would have cost me 50 cents a bottle. :( They did have the cereal I was looking for though.

This is a great example of why I love Target! You can stack coupons. Don't know what stacking is? Here is a quick rundown....stacking is when you use a store coupon and a manufacturer's coupon on the same item. So I grabbed the hubs some cereal for FREE. Want to know how I got FREE cereal?

Kashi Go Lean Crunch
Regular Price: $3.84 each
Sale Price: $2.75 each
Coupons: -.75/1 printable TQ and -$2/1 MQ from a sample I requested
Final Price: FREE, absolutely FREE

I knew I saved high value coupons for a reason. I had that Kashi coupon kicking around in my coupon binder for a few months. It was just asking to be used on a sale like this. :)


  1. it has been a week woman...were are your posts? Your follower is waiting!

  2. Sorry I've been slacking! I have an awesome post planned for tonight!
