Saturday, November 7, 2009

$80 Weekly Challenge

Before I started "couponing," I had no set grocery budget. A big no-no! I estimate that we were spending around $150 a week on groceries. Looking back that was an insane amount of money. Since I started using coupons and watching sales, I have been able to reduce that to around $100 a week. This includes all food, tolietries, diapers, wipes, etc.

I am challenging myself starting this month to reduce that amount to $80 a week. I really think I can do it. :) While my budget is $80 a week, I am going to be flexible with that as long as I stay within the monthly budget of $320 ($80 X 4). Obviously if the month has five weeks, I will increase the budget to $400 ($80 X 5). So if I go under one week, I will move my overage to the next week and if I go over one week, I can reduce my spending the next week. I plan on reporting my shopping totals each week. My week will start on Friday since that is payday for us. Wish me luck!


  1. Great Franks and Beans every night and Spagetti on Wednesday....

    Yeah right we will still eat like Kings and Queens with my fine cooking.

  2. Considering our menu consisted of shrimp one night and steak the next night last week....I think we are eating fine. Another kind of shrimp again this week too. :)
