Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday Finals 11/20

We are in the second week of our $80 challenge. This week we purchased a frozen turkey for Christmas. Wegmans was having an awesome sale on frozen turkeys - $0.39 per pound. We also stocked up on beef hot dogs (Adrian loves hot dogs) and cheddar brats at Safeway. Here are the totals for the week.

Harris Teeter
Total Spent: $12.51

Total Spent: $9.95

Total Spent: $42.94

Total Spent: $18.72

Weekly Total: $84.12

Total Monthly Budget remaining: $147.26

Well still over by $4.12, but an improvement over last week. AND we were able to purchase a turkey for Christmas. I'm getting closer and closer to my goal and hoping to meet it next week. :)


  1. Great job. Dinner at my house on Thursday. and lots of left-overs for your menu :) maw

  2. I got the same great deal on the Wegmans turkey. Plus I got to talk to the produce man:)
